Welcome to the Mechanics Map Digital Textbook:

The Mechanics Map is an open textbook for engineering statics and dynamics containing written explanations, video lectures, worked examples, and homework problems. All content is licensed under a Creative Commons Share-alike license, so feel free to use, share, or remix the content. The table of contents below links to all available topics, while the About, Instructor Resources, and Get Involved tabs provide information to those looking to learn more about the project in general.

Mechanics Basics:

1. Newtonian Mechanics Basics:

Newtonian Mechanics Video Introduction

1.1 Bodies
1.2 Position, Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration
1.3 Forces
1.4 Orientation, Angular Displacement, Angular Velocity, and Angular Acceleration
1.5 Moments
1.6 Free Body Diagrams
1.7 Newton's First Law
1.8 Newton's Second Law
1.9 Newton's Third Law

Chapter 1 Homework Problems

Statics Basics:

2. Static Equilibrium in Concurrent Force Systems:

Equilibrium in Concurrent Force Systems Video Introduction

2.1 Static Equilibrium
2.2 Point Forces as Vectors
2.3 Principle of Transmissibility
2.4 Concurrent Forces
2.5 Equilibrium Analysis for a Concurrent Force System

Chapter 2 Homework Problems

3. Static Equilibrium in Rigid Body Systems:

Equilibrium in Rigid Body Systems Video Introduction

3.1 Moment of a Force About a Point (Scalar Calculation)
3.2 Varignon's Theorem
3.3 Couples
3.4 Moment About a Point (Vector)
3.5 Moment About an Axis
3.6 Equilibrium Analysis of a Rigid Body

Chapter 3 Homework Problems

Statics Advanced Topics:

4. Statically Equivalent Systems

Statically Equivalent Systems Video Introduction

4.1 Statically Equivalent Systems
4.2 Resolution of a Force into a Force and a Couple
4.3 Equivalent Force Couple System
4.4 Distributed Forces
4.5 Equivalent Point Load via Integration
4.6 Equivalent Point Load via Composite Parts

Chapter 4 Homework Problems

5. Engineering Structures:

Engineering Structures Video Introduction

5.1 Structures
5.2 Two Force Members
5.3 Method of Joints
5.4 Method of Sections
5.5 Analysis of Frames and Machines

Chapter 5 Homework Problems

6. Internal Forces

Internal Forces Video Introduction

6.1 Internal Forces
6.2 Finding Internal Forces via Equilibrium Analysis
6.3 Axial Force Diagrams and Torsion Diagrams
6.4 Shear and Moment Diagrams

Chapter 6 Homework Problems

7. Friction and Friction Applications:

Friction and Friction Applications Video Introduction

7.1 Dry Friction
7.2 Slipping vs. Tipping
7.3 Wedges
7.4 Power Screws
7.5 Bearing Friction
7.6 Disc Friction
7.7 Belt Friction

Chapter 7 Homework Problems

Particle Dynamics:

8. Particle Kinematics:

Particle Kinematics Video Introduction

8.1 One Dimensional Continuous Motion
8.2 One Dimensional Non-Continuous Motion
8.3 Two Dimensional Motion with Rectangular Coordinates
8.4 Two Dimensional Motion with Normal-Tangential Coordinates
8.5 Two Dimensional Motion with Polar Coordinates
8.6 Dependent Motion Systems
8.7 Relative Motion Systems

Chapter 8 Homework Problems

9. Newton's Second Law for Particles:

Newton's Second Law for Particles Video Introduction

9.1 One Dimensional Equations of Motion
9.2 Equations of Motion in Rectangular Coordinates
9.3 Equations of Motion in Normal-Tangential Coordinates
9.4 Equations of Motion in Polar Coordinates

Chapter 9 Homework Problems

10. Work and Energy in Particles:

Work and Energy in Particles Video Introduction

10.1 Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy for Particles
10.2 Work and Energy Principle for Particles
10.3 Power for Particles
10.4 Efficiency for Particles
10.5 Work and Energy for Systems of Particles

Chapter 10 Homework Problems

11. Impulse and Momentum in Particles:

Impulse Momentum Methods Video Introduction

11.1 Impulse and Momentum for a Particle
11.2 The Impulse-Momentum Principle for Particles
11.3 Surface Collisions and the Coefficient of Restitution
11.4 One Dimensional Particle Collisions
11.5 Two Dimensional Particle Collisions
11.6 Steady Flow Devices

Chapter 11 Homework Problems

Rigid Body Dynamics:

12. Rigid Body Kinematics:

Rigid Body Kinematics Video Introduction

12.1 Fixed Axis Rotation Systems (Scalar)
12.2 Fixed Axis Rotation Systems (Vector)
12.3 Belt and Gear Driven Systems
12.4 Absolute Motion Analysis
12.5 Relative Motion Analysis (Scalar)
12.6 Relative Motion Analysis (Vector)
12.7 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity
12.8 Rotating Frame Analysis (Vector)

Chapter 12 Homework Problems

13. Newton's Second Law for Rigid Bodies:

Newton's Second Law for Rigid Bodies Video Introduction

13.1 Translational Systems
13.2 Fixed Axis Rotation Systems
13.3 Rigid Body General Planar Motion
13.4 Multi-Body General Planar Motion

Chapter 13 Homework Problems

14. Work and Energy in Rigid Bodies

Rigid Body Work and Energy Video Introduction

14.1 Work, Kinetic Energy, and Potential Energy for Rigid Bodies
14.2 Principle of Work and Energy for Rigid Bodies
14.3 Power in Rigid Body Systems
14.4 Efficiency in Rigid Body Systems

Chapter 14 Homework Problems

15. Impulse and Momentum in Rigid Bodies

Rigid Body Impulse Momentum Video Introduction

15.1 Impulse and Momentum for a Rigid Body System
15.2 The Impulse Momentum Theorem for a Rigid Body
15.3 Rigid Body Surface Collisions
15.4 Free Rigid Body Collisions


16. One Degree of Freedom (1 DOF) Vibrations

16.1 Undamped Free Vibrations
16.2 Viscous Damped Free Vibrations
16.3 Friction (Coulomb) Damped Free Vibrations
16.4 Undamped Harmonic Forced Vibrations
16.5 Viscous Damped Harmonic Forced Vibrations


A1. Vector and Matrix Math:

A 1.1 Vectors
A 1.2 Vector Addition
A 1.3 Dot Product
A 1.4 Cross Product
A 1.5 Solving Systems of Equations with Matrices

Appendix 1 Homework Problems

A2. Moment Integrals:

A 2.1 Moment Integrals
A 2.2 Centroids of Areas via Integration
A 2.3 Centroids in Volumes and Center of Mass via Integration
A 2.4 Centroids and Center of Mass via the Method of Composite Parts
A 2.5 Area Moments of Inertia via Integration
A 2.6 Mass Moments of Inertia via Integration
A 2.7 Moments of Inertia via Composite Parts and the Parallel Axis Theorem

Appendix 2 Homework Problems